Last year, a page dedicated to our art history appeared on Google Arts & Culture. At the request of Google Ukraine, we decided to continue filling the platform with Ukrainian treasures. For this, we visited the Treasury of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

What did we do?

Under the leadership of Olga Puklina and Bohdan Patrilyak, our team spent two months filming in the historical museum. Together, we selected the most interesting exhibits, which were then elegantly digitized.

In total, we digitized and made 3D copies of 50 treasures: weapons, decorative items, clothing and household items, religious values, jewelry, etc. We have something to be proud of, the 3D model of a cradle of the late 18th and early 19th century was marked by the Sketchfab platform for its quality and detail.

Thanks to this project, Ukraine not only preserves its history but also allows the whole world to “touch” its greatness to anyone from any corner of the world.

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